What I read in Wananga !!

Hola, Buenos díaz,

I’m Tovie and today my teacher forced me to write a blog post about what I read in Wananga!! Anyway, the story I read was about a photographer named Edith Amituanai. The story was about her taking photos of her surroundings and the people she knows as if they were unfamiliar.

What she did was she stood at the end of her driveway and took photos of the school kids walking to and from school. She said that she had a lot of people walk up to her and ask ‘why are you taking photos of me?’ and she also said a lot of them just smiled and walked by.

Anyway that’s what I read !!

Adios and thankyou for reading my blog !!<3

Bob Marley, the well-known legend or reggae !!!

Hola, Buenos díaz,

In today’s Blog post, I will be talking about Bob Marley. Let’s Start off with an easy Question :

Who was Bob Marley?

Robert Nesta Marley was a Jamaican reggae singer, guitarist, and songwriter. Considered one of the legends Marley fused elements of reggae, ska, and rocksteady into his music and was Known world wide for his distinctive vocal and songwriting style.

How did Bob Marley Die?

Bob Marley, was born on February 6, 1945. Sadly, Marley did not celebrate as many birthdays as he should have. He died of a skin cancer called melanoma in 1981 when he was only 36 years old.

Where and where was Bob Marley born?

Bob Marley was born on 6 February 1945 in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Malcolm.

What was the name of Bob Marley’s band?

Bob marley had two bands, His first band was The wailers and then later on it turned into Bob marley and the wailers.

Anyways Adios, Thankyou for reading my blog <3


Voice types – Music


Hola, Buenos Díaz,

Today in music class we learned about the 4 voice types. Here are the 4 voice types :

♫ Soprano




A singer in the soprano voice group is Ariana Grande.

A singer in the alto voice group is Beyoncé.

A singer in the Tenor voice group Marvin Gaye.

A singer in the Bass voice group is Barry White.

What is yodelling ? Here is a youtube video !!

What is Mongolian throat singing ?
Khoomi involves using the diaphragm and throat to sing one tone and the mouth to sing another one or two. It sounds like one voice singing two or more notes at the same time, both the fundamental base note and a harmonic tone or note on top of that. It is both beautiful and strange with a few notes coming from one voice and a single singer. The bass note from the singer’s throat and the higher, harmonic notes from the mouth, sometimes sounding like a waterfalls or monks chanting.

What is whistling ?

Whistling in singing involves creating musical sounds by blowing air through pursed lips or using a specific mouth technique. It requires precise control of airflow and mouth shape, usually by puckering the lips and adjusting the tongue position to produce different pitches. Whistling typically results in high pitches, and skilled whistlers can achieve a wide range of notes. It’s used in various music genres, like in Otis Redding’s “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay,” adding unique texture and conveying emotions. Whistling demands practice to maintain pitch, tone, and consistency, much like learning to play a musical instrument. Overall, it is a versatile and expressive technique in music.

Adios and thankyou for reading my blog 🙂

The Chicken Leg… Health – 23/5/2024

Hola, Buenos Díaz,

Last week on Friday In science we directed a chicken leg. It was so Funnnn !!

We did take a video But the file is too big so I can’t insert it and show you but here is another video showing basically what we did !! (sorry It’s a link)


we got to look and try and find the muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and marrow of the chicken leg.

First, we had to cut the skin off so we could see the muscles clearly. When I looked closely I could see the tendons connecting the muscles to the bones.

I used a scalpel and scissors to cut the muscles off, and when the muscles were off, we could see the bones, joints, ligaments, and cartilage. I broke the joints to get a better look at the cartilage and ligaments. I also was able to find many tendons and pull them out and I think that was really fun and I enjoyed that !!

Overall I think this was a really fun experiment (except the bit where I ate after class and even though I thoroughly washed my had and then though I had salmonella)

Have a nice day !!


9C ~ Science Experiment #3 ~ Potassium Permanganate

The Dilution series …

Hello There,

I’m tovie and in science recently we have been learning about dilution and concentration. We took a chemical called

~Potassium Permanganate~

We used a Dripper dropper and took exactly 10 millilitres from a big container and put it into our measuring cylinder. then we filled a beaker up with water (It didn’t matter how much water we had) after we filled the beaker up with water we put 5 millilitres of Potassium Permanganate into one beaker and then we put 5 millilitres of water back into the measuring cylinder.

Then we repeat this process

∗Put 5 millilitres of the mixed water+Potassium Permanganate into the second test tube and then add 5 millilitre of water back into the beaker.

After you finish the process in all the test tubes It will look like the image above.

This was a pretty fun experiment, I enjoyed it very much. You don’t have to use Potassium Permanganate, you could also use something as simple as raro.

Have a good day!!

Adios !!

ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Touch Rugby reflection – term 2 ⸝⸝˖⁺ ʚɞ

Hola, Buenos Díaz,

This term in PE we have been learning about Touch Rugby. When we play touch rugby there are 6 people on the field at one time (On teams). The field we played on was 50m Wide x 70 m In length. There is a couple pieces of equipment we used to play for example :

  • A Rugby Ball
  • Some Bibs (To tell teams apart)

And that’s all I can think of, I don’t think we used anything else.

Some of the rules we had in order to play were :

  • No Forward passes
  • The dummy can’t Score a try
  • If the dummy gets touched it’s a turnover
  • When a player is touched the opposition must move back 5 meters (from the ball)
  • No contact (Pushing, Hitting, Gooseguarding)

One thing I improved was definitely how I caught and threw the ball so I’m happy about that !!

One thing I enjoyed was definitely watching people have a temper tantrum because someone dropped the ball.

I could keep working on My throwing skills !!

I enjoyed being on the same team as daisy, marvin and james because they are very competitive and I find it hillarious.

I always bring my P.e uniform  and out of 10 I would give myself a 9 this is because I work very well and Participate in every activity.

anyways thankyou for reading my blog !! Have a great day



The Olympic Games: A Celebration of Sport and Unity (PE work)

Hola, Buenos Díaz,

I’m tovie and since I didn’t bring my PE gear here is what I had to do for work in PE, It’s about the Olympic games.


The Olympic Games boast a rich history that traces back to ancient Greece. Revived in 1896, the modern Olympics have transcended mere athletic contests, evolving into a global spectacle that celebrates not just athleticism, but also unity, diversity, and the enduring spirit of human achievement.

Countries Involved

The Paris Olympics of 2024 will witness the participation of nations from across the globe. Over 200 countries, from perennial powerhouses like the United States and China to emerging athletic forces like Kenya and Brazil, will come together to compete for glory (and Bragging rights).


The Games encompass a wide range of events showcasing various sports disciplines. From track and field to swimming, gymnastics to wrestling, athletes display their prowess in a diverse range of competitions, captivating audiences worldwide.

New Zealand Athlete at the Last Olympics (Male)

At the previous Olympics, New Zealand was represented by outstanding male athletes. One notable figure was shot put champion Tom Walsh, whose remarkable strength and technique propelled him to a podium finish, inspiring a nation and leaving a lasting mark on Olympic history.

New Zealand Athlete at the Last Olympics (Female)

On the female front, New Zealand’s Olympic prowess shone brightly through athletes like Lisa Carrington, a formidable kayaker who dominated her events with unparalleled skill and determination, embodying the spirit of Kiwi resilience and sportsmanship.

Events Spotlight

  1. Gymnastics
  2. Swimming
  3. Athletics

As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming Paris Olympics, it is a testament to the enduring spirit of competition and camaraderie that defines this global sporting extravaganza. With athletes from diverse backgrounds converging to compete on the grandest stage, the Games promise to be a celebration of excellence, unity, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Anyways, Thankyou For reading my blog

See yaa

9B ~ health Blog ~ Loss and Grief

Hola, Buenos díaz,

I’m Tovie-Jean and today in health I did another activity. This time it’s about loss and grief.

What is the meaning of grief and loss ??

Grief is the natural emotional response to the loss of someone close.  Grief can also occur after other significant losses. Grief often involves intense sadness, and sometimes feelings of shock and numbness, or even denial and anger.

Have I experienced Loss and grief ??

Yes, I have. When I was born we brought a dog we called him riddick. Riddick was the closest friend and I always used to hang out with him, feed him and pet him. I loved Riddick very much. Then one day we noticed riddick was feeling down and almost in pain. There was a loss in his diet and he stopped moving around and he seemed to stay in one place. So after a couple of weeks examining and watching over him we decided it was a good idea to put him down. This was so that he didn’t feel any pain. He was a very special dog and I’m so angry that we had to put him down, but, I knew it was for the best.

Some of the feelings I was working with when I experienced loss and grief :

Some of the feelings I was dealing with were anger, Frustration, denial, scared, sad and so much more. So  when you go through loss and grief you would defiantly experience a Roller coaster of different emotions.

Something  I would give to the family members of someone dead :

So I’m not necessarily attached to my cultures correctly but something I would give to a family member of someone who is dead it probably a reassuring quote, Chocolate (Unless there allergic) and a card.

The card would probably have something like a reassuring quote from the bible and then something like

‘ Wish you all the best, Never forget that the dead go to rest. They (depending on the gender) Will be floating In the skies, there’s no need to cry.’

And then sign it off !!

A brainstorm for ways to cope with death :

Anyways thank you for reading this blog,

See ya soon !!





✰9C Music ~ Similarities to pianos and keyboards ✰

Hola, buenos díaz,

I’m tovie and today in music class we had to do a blog post around the similarities of a piano and a keyboard. So without further ado, Lets get into it:

Here are 3 similarities between the two =

  1. they have keys
  2. they sound the same when you change the tone
  3. they are both heavy (one slightly heavier than the  other)

The instrument family that these instruments belong to is the stuck string instruments.

And to finish this short blog post off, here is a photo of the piano and one of the keyboard.

A keyboard :

A piano :

Anyways, Thankyou for reading my blog post. I hope your having an amazing day !!


9C ~ Convection Experiment ~ Paper Tea bag !!

hola, Buenos Díaz,

I’m tovie and today in science we did a fun little experiment. In this experiment, we used tea bags, heat mats and matches. So basically this was an experiment to do with convention. Convection is when hot or warm air rises and cold air sinks.

We used the heat mats as a place to put the hot things to protect our surfaces, so we put those on the table. After we had our mats down to protect the surface we cut the top of the teabags and COMPLETELY WASTED ALL OF THE TEA by putting it in the bin (I love tea, apologies <3). we put the tea bag standing up on top of the heat mat and then we lit a match and set the top of the tea bag on fire. The tea bag started to burn downwards until it was only a few centimetres tall, and then it started to rise and spin around as it flew upwards in the air. HARRY POTTAH. Then when the remaining fire went out the tea bag turned to ashes and came back down from the air (Because the cold stuff sinks)

here is a video of what we did !! (You can use a match instead of a lighter)

Anyway, this is a pretty easy experiment to do at home but Please be careful and make sure nothing flammable is around !! (Also have and adult supervision)

Well, Thankyou for reading my blog 🙂

See you later <3<3