!! Overall Science Blog !!

Hello There,

I’m Tovie, And I feel this is a much Needed Blog to catch up about everything I have been doing In science. This blog Includes Stuff about – Acid’s and alkalies, Moldy Bread, Growing yeast and making beetroot indicators. So this  Is the intro and I’m going to tell you what I did in this order : Moldy Bread, Growing yeast, Acid’s and alkalies and then beetroot Indicators. So let’s get into it =

1. Moldy Bread –

So as the bad influence I am Telling you how to make moldy bread these are the ingredients you will need:

  • Bread
  • Water
  • Plastic Bag

What a shocker Just bread, water and a plastic bag, anyways, here is the method :

  • Add Some water to your bread (either Wet the whole thing or just a bit)
  • Put the bread into a sealed plastic bag
  • Store somewhere warm for as long as you want 🙂

That’s It then you can just randomly stare at your piece of moldy bread But please don’t eat that rancid Thing It could end up In hospitalization 🙂 Or death No-one knows.

2. Growing yeast –

So now I will tell you how to make yeast (it might explode so be careful) here are the ingredients you need:

  • Sugar
  • Warm water
  • Yeast

then basically you put them together and cover it for up to 2 hours (I think don’t listen to me :p ) Then you can add it to bread and eat it 🙂 (please get your experienced house cook to help you and keep you supervised)

3. Acid’s and alkali’s –

So Now we can have our little talk about acid’s and alkali’s I will be talking to you about what an acid is and what an alkali is

= Acid what is It ? =

First example – Acid is mostly in really sour Food such as sour lollies or it is a sour substance (liquid) like lemon juice     Second example – Acid is something that is sharp or sour such as a lemon juice, a lemon or vinegar (examples)

= alkali what is it?=

First example – Alkali Is a soapy, slippery substance                                                                                                                            Second Example – an alkali is something that is soapy and mostly used in cleaning products

Litmus in an indicator , it turns red in acid and purple in alkali. so we tested some substances and got our result if it was a alkali or if it was an acid here the results are =

Substance          –          Color         –          Acid or alkali ?

Dishwasher Liquid – Purple – Alkali

Toilet cleaner – Red – Acid

spray and wipe – purple – alkali

fabric cleaner – red – acid

floor cleaner – purple – alkali

7 and up – Red – Acid

lemon – purple – acid

4. Beetroot indicators

So This is a practical I was in where we made an indicator out of beetroot or red cabbage I used red cabbage But beetroot would have worked roughly the same. We had to get hot water and Red cabbage in a Mortar and pestle and then we had to slowly pour the hot water in while mixing the red cabbage then we had to get hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide and put them into a little container and then we would pour the red cabbage juice into the acid amd sodium and see what color it turned.

That’s all for my ULTIMATE SCIENCE BLOG today and I will post another blog on exactly how to make the beetroot indicator but anyways bye for now.




One thought on “!! Overall Science Blog !!

  1. Wow Tovie what an amazing blog. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed doing the experiments.
    You got some good results with the indicator you made from red cabbage.
    Who would have thought it would be able to get so many different colours.
    Great work.

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