Microbes And Viruses

Microbes and Viruses

Questions :

1 Microbes – what is a microbe? And what are the types of microbes

Microbes are tiny little living things that are all around us and cannot be seen to the naked eye. The types of Microbes are Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi

2 Bacteria Good – Bad

Bacteria can be both good and bad but the can be so bad that they can kill you in high quantity their type and type of location in the body and they same goes for them being beneficial.

3 Viruses – What are they ?

A virus is an infectious microbe consisting of a segment nucleic acid (DNA Or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat.


Fungi =


Bacteria =


That is what microbes and viruses are. I thought this task was a fun activity to look at and i really enjoy having mrs wheeler as a teacher for science because she makes every thing fun.

See you in my next blog 🙂



2 thoughts on “Microbes And Viruses

  1. Hi
    A great set of answers to the questions about microbes.
    Were you able to carry out the experiments on microbes:
    – yeast
    – bread mold.

    The photos illustrate your answers well.

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