9B ~ health Blog ~ Loss and Grief

Hola, Buenos díaz,

I’m Tovie-Jean and today in health I did another activity. This time it’s about loss and grief.

What is the meaning of grief and loss ??

Grief is the natural emotional response to the loss of someone close.  Grief can also occur after other significant losses. Grief often involves intense sadness, and sometimes feelings of shock and numbness, or even denial and anger.

Have I experienced Loss and grief ??

Yes, I have. When I was born we brought a dog we called him riddick. Riddick was the closest friend and I always used to hang out with him, feed him and pet him. I loved Riddick very much. Then one day we noticed riddick was feeling down and almost in pain. There was a loss in his diet and he stopped moving around and he seemed to stay in one place. So after a couple of weeks examining and watching over him we decided it was a good idea to put him down. This was so that he didn’t feel any pain. He was a very special dog and I’m so angry that we had to put him down, but, I knew it was for the best.

Some of the feelings I was working with when I experienced loss and grief :

Some of the feelings I was dealing with were anger, Frustration, denial, scared, sad and so much more. So  when you go through loss and grief you would defiantly experience a Roller coaster of different emotions.

Something  I would give to the family members of someone dead :

So I’m not necessarily attached to my cultures correctly but something I would give to a family member of someone who is dead it probably a reassuring quote, Chocolate (Unless there allergic) and a card.

The card would probably have something like a reassuring quote from the bible and then something like

‘ Wish you all the best, Never forget that the dead go to rest. They (depending on the gender) Will be floating In the skies, there’s no need to cry.’

And then sign it off !!

A brainstorm for ways to cope with death :

Anyways thank you for reading this blog,

See ya soon !!





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