Tag: 9Sci

9C ~ Convection Experiment ~ Paper Tea bag !!

hola, Buenos Díaz,

I’m tovie and today in science we did a fun little experiment. In this experiment, we used tea bags, heat mats and matches. So basically this was an experiment to do with convention. Convection is when hot or warm air rises and cold air sinks.

We used the heat mats as a place to put the hot things to protect our surfaces, so we put those on the table. After we had our mats down to protect the surface we cut the top of the teabags and COMPLETELY WASTED ALL OF THE TEA by putting it in the bin (I love tea, apologies <3). we put the tea bag standing up on top of the heat mat and then we lit a match and set the top of the tea bag on fire. The tea bag started to burn downwards until it was only a few centimetres tall, and then it started to rise and spin around as it flew upwards in the air. HARRY POTTAH. Then when the remaining fire went out the tea bag turned to ashes and came back down from the air (Because the cold stuff sinks)

here is a video of what we did !! (You can use a match instead of a lighter)

Anyway, this is a pretty easy experiment to do at home but Please be careful and make sure nothing flammable is around !! (Also have and adult supervision)

Well, Thankyou for reading my blog 🙂

See you later <3<3