Tag: Maths

~What I have done in math so far this term~

Hi there,

I’m Tovie and today I’m going to be explaining to you what I have been doing in math this term. This term in math I have been learning how to find the perimeter of something. I had to do this task where  I made a DLO (digital Learning Object) explaining how I Found the perimeter of a Shape and a conclusion. So here is my DLO and after will be my conclusion.

Conclusion :

This task was fun to do and It was also quite easy to Complete. It’s a short conclusion but it’s got everything you need to know about my thought’s on this task.

See ya next time readers !!

~ Maths ~

Hi there,

I’m Tovie and today I’m Going to teach you a little bit about How to create a fraction with this DLO. I hoped it helped a little for your math because this was a really hard task to do .

Reflection –

This was a fun Task to do although it was also a little bit hard because it’s all easy and well to know how to use the strategy but to explain it to other people over a blog post it’s a little bit hard to do so I tried my best and I hoped it helped you Guys a little bit wit your fractions.

Bye bye See you in the next blog

What are teike students favorite farm animals (Tally chart)

Hi, there readers 🙂

I’m Tovie or Tj and recently in maths, we have had to do a tally chart of some questions we made up and get the teike students to vote, my question was what is teike student’s favorite farm animal here is my tally chart or my graphs to show you.

My finding were actually that once duck got over 6 vote more people tended to choose it and clearly that other people have a grudge against sheep and pig ? at least cow got 7 but cow should have gotten like 9 or like 11 because cow are the cutest :).



Thats it next blog should be soon


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